Airhead Sports Group uses GigSmart Get Workers to quickly scale their warehouse staff as seasonality, demand, or job complexity requires it.

Minutes from the Rocky Mountains in Denver, Colorado, Airhead Sports Group manufactures fine watersports products and accessories to make it easy for families to get more out of the great outdoors. As the leading manufacturer of inflatable tow tubes, floats, snow sleds, snowshoes, iSUPs accessories, and more, Airhead needed skilled warehouse workers to keep up with demand during their busy season. Airhead turned to GigSmart to source temporary warehouse labor.

The Challenge

Labor is the largest operating expense in a warehouse, eating up anywhere from 50% to 70% of the budget. Further complicated by seasonality, Airhead needed a way to scale their warehouse crews up and down as consumer demand increased. When the boating busy season hit, Airhead required a solution to help them source skilled warehouse workers on short notice, sometimes even same-day.

With the aid of GigSmart’s Get Workers staffing app, Airhead can keep production output and customer satisfaction high by ensuring their warehouse is never understaffed.

The Results

With the help of GigSmart’s Get Workers app, Airhead can instantly create free Gig postings to find the proper skilled headcount they need, right when they need it. What initially started as a way to find skilled warehouse workers quickly broadened in scope. GigSmart’s staffing solution now helps Airhead source workers for 12 different positions across the company. GigSmart workers have completed more than 700 Shifts for Airhead since April of 2020.

Caleb, Warehouse Supervisor at Airhead, says, “the customer service I received was by far the best! The GigSmart reps were available during the weekend and after 5 PM. They answered every request I had to ensure we secured great workers.”

When Airhead’s peak season hit, they needed a way to quickly find and hire qualified workers. Fortunately, their Denver-based business was able to tap into an existing labor pool of thousands of local warehouse workers. To quickly source applicants, Airhead created gig postings for a variety of warehouse positions from cleaners to lumpers, warehouse workers, customer service representatives, and office clerks.

“Using GigSmart has been a wonderful experience. We’ve found reliable workers who actually show up, and they fit right in with our team!”

Caleb, Warehouse Supervisor, Airhead

23 sec.

seconds to first applicant


of paid workers


completed Shifts

“I would recommend GigSmart to all of my HR counterparts in the warehouse industry.”

Caleb, Warehouse Supervisor, Airhead

With GigSmart Get Workers, Airhead Sports Group can:


When Airhead needs extra workers on short notice, they use the GigSmart Get Workers app to scale up their workforce without the unnecessary burden of adding and removing full-time staff.


Utilizing GigSmart’s Get Workers app, Airhead is connected to new workers who have the exact skill sets they seek, expanding their roster of qualified talent. Good workers are invited back to work future gigs on a repeat basis.


GigSmart’s hiring platform takes the headache out of staffing. Airhead’s HR team can review and hire workers without the burden of sorting through applications, conducting interviews, and running payroll. Payment is effortlessly facilitated through the app, freeing up Airhead to focus on what really matters — getting more work done

Get Workers

Looking for an easy and affordable way to source workers for your business? Create a free Get Workers hiring account and post your first Gig to get started.

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